
BrainTap’s Proprietary Neuro Algorithm is the proven way to Relax, Reboot and RevitaliSe

After decades of research, Dr. Patrick Porter has developed a truly revolutionary concept in BrainTap — a powerfully effective tool designed to help people achieve balanced brainwave states that enhance production of all the necessary neurotransmitters needed for optimal function of body and mind.

BTM GROUP clients who implement the BrainTap platform benefit from the perfect symmetry of sound, music, and spoken word for the ultimate in brainwave training and relaxation, providing their mind and body with all the benefits of meditation without the disciplined effort that many people shy away from.

Why Braintapping…? Because it turns your Brainwaves into a Symphony

Braintapping is a quick and easy way to relax, reboot and revitalise by simply optimising your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere. Backed by neuroscience and research, braintapping is proven to help people who experience high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, and other lifestyle challenges.

Braintapping guides your mind from an awake, reactionary mind into an intuitive, creative state, then to a place where super-learning and healing can occur, with the outcome being a heightened state of consciousness with crystal clear focus.

Braintapping creates a symphony of brainwave activity, a feeling of calm focus that’s just right for learning and productivity. Each session is designed with brainwave balance in mind.

The Science behind How it Works

Unlike meditation apps, BrainTap’s neuro-algorithm produces brainwave entrainment — the synchronisation of brainwaves to a specialised sound — with no user effort. The result of which is full-spectrum brainwave activity. Using this matrix of neuro-activity, each of BrainTap’s sessions is encoded differently to ensure maximum neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections, resulting in a flexible and resilient brain.

The science behind BrainTap relies on four key elements that enable the sessions to induce brainwave entrainment. Those four elements are:



When two different tones, separated in frequency by only a few Hertz, are introduced — one in each ear — the brain perceives a third, unique tone. Binaural beats work by creating this phantom frequency, which the brain then mimics. For example, if we play a 220 Hz carrier tone into the left ear and a 226.5 Hz carrier tone into the right ear, your brain perceives the difference between the two, which is a subtle beat frequency of 6.5 Hz, the same frequency associated with deep, meditative states. Your brain naturally follows this frequency, and you experience this deeply relaxed state.

BrainTap’s proprietary algorithms have been shown to produce a state of calm and concentration in the brain, yielding the full effect of the guided visualisation, and resulting in extraordinary levels of performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve.



In general, the visual imagery process involves the individual setting aside a period for relaxation, during which he or she contemplates mental images depicting a desired result or goal. This exercise is done during the spoken-word sessions to help the listener envision a consistent image (either literal or symbolic) of the results desired from the session.

Visualisation has been studied for decades, having been shown to have the power to affect mental states, improve physical and athletic performance and even heal the body. And when combined with the other elements of BrainTap, these effects are increased and optimised.


10-Cycle Holographic Music

Another aid to the guided meditation is 10-cycle holographic music, which is a sonic technology that produces a 360-degree sound environment.

In this sonic environment, the visualisations become more real to the mind, helping the user take full advantage of the power of the visualisations by creating a more receptive learning state.


Isochronic Tones

Isochronic tones are equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an interval of silence. They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the desired brain frequency. The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them particularly easy for the brain to follow. While binaural beats rely on balanced hearing in both ears, isochronic tones work effectively for nearly everyone, except for someone with complete hearing loss. This is one of the reasons BrainTap’s proprietary algorithms incorporate both types of tones.

Our Invitation for You

Try it out for free

Try the BrainTap Pro App app 15 days for free at no risk, with no obligations and explore the benefits of the many recordings yourself. As an added bonus, you can purchase the Wellness Collection Bundle at any time during the 15-Days and get an additional 30-Days for just .99 cents. Remember, our brainwaves mimic the pulse rates of the sounds to which we’re exposed. By listening to the varied frequencies and holographic music in BrainTap’s unique audio programs, you can reboot your brain to a healthy, balanced state of relaxation and revitalisation.

Only BrainTap’s large selection of specialiSed audio-sessions can produce this symphony of brainwave activity

The calming, rejuvenating effects of 10 to 20 minutes of braintapping serves to balance your nervous system and inoculate you against the stressors of everyday life. Daily braintapping trains your brain to be resilient and creative, and it activates the right mental states at the right time. In other words, you become your best version of you! The sonic effects of braintapping can be enjoyed by subscribing to the BrainTap app with its many bundled options of recordings. All can be listened to on any device with your own headset. Learn more

Elevate your BrainTap Pro App experience with the use of the BrainTap headset

If you want to amplify the sonic effects of braintapping, the BrainTap headset delivers gentle light pulses that travel through the retina and ear meridians, sending direct signals to the brain and guiding you into unparalleled brain states. Pulsing light, in the correct pattern and intensity, can produce levels of deep relaxation known to affect serotonin and endorphin levels, with an average increase of 21 percent in one study. These increases not only can calm and relax the mind but also produce powerful effects in maintaining a positive outlook and optimistic thinking.